Preston Badeer
Omaha, NE
Trying to find the middle ground between venture-backed startups and indie hacking. Current framework:
- Max of 2 launches per year.
- Only market or sell something you'd want to be marketed or sold to you.
- Make the experience fun, even if it's not polished.
- Give every launch at least 6 months to breath, ideally 8-12.
- Improve every launch until there's a data-driven response of yes/no. Lack of data does not count.
- Do things that don't scale, to find PMF. Customer support and sales are a great feedback mechanism for PMF and should replace data until reaching scale.
ActiveI founded Visual Data Products, a company that specializes in turning chaotic internal data into customer-focused high-performance products. VDP builds data products such as APIs, embedded visualizations, dashboards, portals, and direct data dumps.
Consultant CTO
ActiveI've built products for numerous startups and Fortune 500 companies for over 15 years in over 30 programming languages. Now I'm a consultant CTO for small businesses. I design and build SaaS products from the ground up, manage and improve them, and do marketing/growth, IT, rapid prototyping (hardware and software), data science/data engineering, and machine learning/AI.
Ages Apparel
☕️ On holdValues-based apparel, focused on themes that have existed for ages. This is currently a passion project that is a consistent but low priority.
Farewell Job
☕️ On holdTools to help you build wealth instead of income, and achieve freedom sooner. This is a passion project for helping spread financial education and mostly serves as a place to distribute things I'm already creating elsewhere.
Medium Articles
☕️ On holdPaid author writing articles on Data Science, Data Engineering, and Startups. Currently low priority, this validated a lot of things but drove my interest in writing books instead.
DiscontinuedA website for curating content on video games that encourage creativity, affiliated with Humble Bundle. Pivoted to Medium Articles.
DiscontinuedAn online school for learning how to code.
Retail Aware
💰 AcquiredAn IoT device that measures foot traffic analytics based on ambient phone signals. I co-founded the company and built the original technology. I'm now a shareholder but exited the day to day work, they're absolutely thriving without me and you should check them out!
DiscontinuedPartnered with the University of Nebraska Medical Center's patent division (UNeMed) to create a product from their IP. The product became a digital scale that can detect concussions, their recency, severity, and recovery pace. The up-front costs of developing medical technology and my fear of fundraising caused this company to run out of funding and shut down before going to market.
DiscontinuedA tool to help recruiters profile their applicants both skill wise and psychologically, to find them the best fitting contract. Despite promising beta results, the product was discontinued due to disagreements between the cofounders on whether to be research driven or not.